Monday, February 4, 2008

Jedi 's Investment Strategy!

1977 年George Lucas 拍左一套 Star Wars 星球大戰, 直到2007年一共拍左電影六集(I 至 VI 集), SW可以算係人類電影歷史上最收得同最有影響力既系列之一. 係套戲入面有一班 Jedi Knights (絕地武士), 佢地幾千年來都係保護銀河系和平既戰士. 不過唔係所有 Jedi 都一樣咁好打, 有部份專科劍法, 有d專科 “living force”, 有d專科外交, 有d社會地位既 Jedi 喜歡搞政治. 現今美國有好多人把Jedi Order當作現實生活中一個宗教組織. 有好多人都覺得自己係 Jedi. 經過本人多年研究所得, Jedi Order 的教義機本上係一套提高心靈力量既心法. 而我已經一半成功將這套Jedi教義發展成投資心法. 點解我話只係心法? 因為想投資成功仍然要有好高強既外家功夫, 例如 technical analysis 和 fundamental analysis. 不過 這些外家功夫從學校或報紙都可學到. 點解咁多人學左咁多功夫 (Economics & Finance) 都輸到PK? 因為佢地無心法配合. 而Jedi 投資秘笈就可以大大提高投資人的心靈力量而將所有Econ. & Finance Theories 力量提至極限!

Jedi心法搏大精深. 其中最有啟發性就係 Master Yoda 的語錄.

1) "You will know (the good from the bad) when you are calm, at peace. Passive." A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack. " (Epissode V) - 即係話你一定要平靜, 保本至上, 唔好激動, 先可以分別邊隻股票係會升, 邊隻係流.
2) "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.”(Episode I) – 恐懼會令你 “福佳”, 恐懼引發唔順氣, 唔順氣引至發火, 發火跟住心傷.
3) "Around the survivors a perimeter create." (Episode II) – 未輸灑果d一定要保護. 唔好再輸. 要 cut loss.
4) "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is.” (Episode III) – 人生至古誰無死; 人地發達唔洗羡慕人, 人地輸死左又唔洗笑. 妒忌係貪婪的種子.
5) "The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side."(Episode III) –越怕輸越輸.
6) "Do or do not; there is no try." (Episode IV) – 睇準先出手, 唔好亂試.
7) "Reckless he is. Matters are worse." (Episode V) - 魯莽行動, 後果嚴重.
8) “The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is.” (Episode II) - 輸到頭暈眼花, 前路看不清.
9) “Blind we are, if creation of this clone army we could not see.” (Episode V) – 人地搭灑棚, 做好準備, 自己仲on99.
10) “Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If informed the senate is, multiply our adversaries will.” (Episode V) – 有好股自己知, 唔好比咁多人知, 唔好比c9知, 如果週街唱, 實無得升.

Master Yoda 語錄同投資心法有關仲起馬有40個. 今日講住咁多先. 如果我講左咁耐你都唔知我up咩而又睇到尾, 你就好運將到, 因為個市今日升左908.5點, 我都輸幾十個%! 我諗好多人同我一樣, 一樣好需要學習聖鬥士星矢終極捱價秘笈, 絕不外傳.

1 comment:

VC said...

